Saturday, August 1, 2009

my two heroes in one movie!

ok...last weekend we saw the taking of pelham 123...another movie which my ever so darling hero john travolta plays a villain again....he is so good being the good guy and the bad guy in any movie...but i particularly love him in face-off....just this afternoon dug was commenting on his looks...i do agree with her that john really does have a very manly look with his lovely eyes and his kind of drooling voice....hehe...i think that's how i would describe it...

we saw it in tgv bukit raja...i love the movie a lot...wish i can see it again...but i think no one wants to join this movie, another one of my heroes was also in it...denzel this is one actor who has really gone up in many years ago i saw him in his very first movie with george segal....the movie 'carbon copy'...imagine a young black boy coming into the lives of an american couple and declaring that he is the man's son with a black was quite a funny movie and i loved it a lot...

now in taking of pelham 123...denzel was in charge of the running of the subway trains while john was a very sly man who hijacked a subway the word trainjacked or still hijacked? got to find that out...well, in the end, i knew that john's character would definitely be killed off and boo hoo...he was shot by my hero denzel's character....sad sad ending but a very satisfying movie for me! i've loved him from saturday night fever till this very movie! alas he doesn't even know of my existence....poor me right?


  1. travolta, off late, is super-good being a baddie.

    owh... if you'll excuse me... i've to Google all of Mr. Washington's movies now! ;)

  2. hi zetty..thanks for visiting my blog...hehe...not as good as urs huh? but still, its just things from my mind..don't u just love john travolta's good looks these days...and denzel washington's movies are all really good...i've loved him from his very first guy!
