Friday, November 13, 2009
duudie is 26 today!
how time my daughter is already exactly 1 pm today 13th november happy birthday duudie my love...hope you have lots more birthdays to come...and may you have a wonderful life ahead of you...don't forget, get a good man for a husband alright..not just any man...but THE right man for you, who will be able to care for you, love you and cherish you throughout your whole life....hope he will be able to give you all the comforts you need in life and everything love for you always and for eternity my darling daughter!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
an off day today! wednesday november 11th 2009...i am somehow feeling a bit off...can't define why i'm feeling this way...i hate the way i feel though...not that i am unhappy or sad or feel sick or any have any negative thoughts in my no no no...i don't like to feel way off from my usual self...but today is the day...
i guess it all started when i saw the 7 am news on tv this beloved bollywood hero is planning to have a concert here in malaysia this coming december why of why, can't he do it somewhere in kl or shah alam? why does it have to be in melaka? maybe its becos he had the datukship from melaka? i know the sultan of selangor will never ever give him any title but that doesn't mean he can't have a concert here in shah alam like he used to a few years i will have to drive all the way to melaka and hopefully somehow afford the tickets which i know will be pretty damn expensive...and then i will also have to get a hotel room for the night cos i don't think i would want to drive all the way back from melaka to shah alam right after the concert...aaaahhhhhh...shahrukh you can't do this to your fans out of melaka. i don't think the people in melaka even went to the cinema to watch your movies...hehehe...well, maybe they did, but i don't think they watched as much as your fans here in kl...makes me sigh a lot now. why am i still feeling down? i am hungry...i know i am hungry but i refuse to eat...cos what i eat is not something that i want....aaaahhhhh....i want the sardine paratha...specially made for me...both duudie and me really loved i also want the chicken cheese kebab...i am so yearning for it...someone else offered to make those food for me but i refuse...i am such a fussy eater that i refuse to eat the same food that i love when its made by someone else...for i know i will not be satisfied when i for now, i will only have to eat plain white rice with mutton curry...its quite nice too but still i am hungry for the food that i want...
hmmm...another sad feeling for me is that i am still angry at myself for still being the same old me for the past 27 years....i need to change, i need to change, i need to be different, not only for me myself, but also for my duyong...i can't say that we're sufferring but still, there's something amiss in our i feel like sad, sad sad sad and hungry.....gotta eyes is raining now....wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
i guess it all started when i saw the 7 am news on tv this beloved bollywood hero is planning to have a concert here in malaysia this coming december why of why, can't he do it somewhere in kl or shah alam? why does it have to be in melaka? maybe its becos he had the datukship from melaka? i know the sultan of selangor will never ever give him any title but that doesn't mean he can't have a concert here in shah alam like he used to a few years i will have to drive all the way to melaka and hopefully somehow afford the tickets which i know will be pretty damn expensive...and then i will also have to get a hotel room for the night cos i don't think i would want to drive all the way back from melaka to shah alam right after the concert...aaaahhhhhh...shahrukh you can't do this to your fans out of melaka. i don't think the people in melaka even went to the cinema to watch your movies...hehehe...well, maybe they did, but i don't think they watched as much as your fans here in kl...makes me sigh a lot now. why am i still feeling down? i am hungry...i know i am hungry but i refuse to eat...cos what i eat is not something that i want....aaaahhhhh....i want the sardine paratha...specially made for me...both duudie and me really loved i also want the chicken cheese kebab...i am so yearning for it...someone else offered to make those food for me but i refuse...i am such a fussy eater that i refuse to eat the same food that i love when its made by someone else...for i know i will not be satisfied when i for now, i will only have to eat plain white rice with mutton curry...its quite nice too but still i am hungry for the food that i want...
hmmm...another sad feeling for me is that i am still angry at myself for still being the same old me for the past 27 years....i need to change, i need to change, i need to be different, not only for me myself, but also for my duyong...i can't say that we're sufferring but still, there's something amiss in our i feel like sad, sad sad sad and hungry.....gotta eyes is raining now....wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
happy birthday shahrukh!
hehehe..its my beloved shahrukh khan's birthday...hmmm...wait a minute, how old is he today? oops...surely duudie will be mad at me for not remembering...well, what can i say, i'm just too busy to remember...oh well, i'll open up a page and check how old he is today...hold on now...hehe...ok i just confirmed to myself that he is 44 this, is that the age of my hiway too? cool age! so don't say much duudie, i needed to be sure so i had to check right? couldn't ask you coz you will just say what i know you will say...haha...
alright then, my dearly beloved shahrukh khan, wherever you may be at this moment in time, but i do know you're still in planet earth..unless india decides to make an astronaut out of you, so you'll most definitely be in HAPPY 44th BIRTHDAY to you...may you have lots more birthdays with your wife and kids and sister and live happily always...well, of course with your flaws and so on, but i guess your family readily accepts you as you are...
do give us more beautiful and memorable movies you always my datuk shahrukh khan!
good morning bloggie
hmmm...i'm very early in blogging today...nothing much to write though....just waiting for my farmville to load...just got done with my early morning duty sending duudie to work and alli off to its my time before i pick alli up and get some housework done...till evening comes and off i go to pick duudie up from work and then off to dinner somewhere before returning home and some rest and relaxation before offing myself for the day.
some pictures to remember!

these are some pictures taken while i was busy not writing on my blog...i did have the intention of posting them up before, but was too busy with other things, especially with my farmville...heheh....but still, i'm putting them up just so as i can always look at them whenever i need to....nothing significant about the pictures though...just to remember each moment as it happened!
just a memory
hello again...its been almost twenty four hours since i last wrote...still got the blasted headache, couldn't manage to do much work at home today, just a bit of laundry washing and ironing, and wow! that's it! i am a bad bad housewife....i just can't pull myself thru to do much at home today...not with this terrrrrrible headace still lingering...sometimes i wish i no longer have to endure this monthly process of womanhood, but then come to think of it, when that time comes, its almost dreaded by most women since they say it makes a woman lose their sense of livelihood and no longer feel why would a woman always want to feel young when they're already at the age of fifty?
i think that after having been a wife and a mother of two wonderful kids, if i were no longer to have my monthly dots, i would still feel lively and happy to be alive...i would be happy even more to be able to see my kids grown up and having their own life with whoever they choose to be with....heheh...maybe i'll get to spend time taking care of their kids....would be wonderful just to drive around with small kids again...only thing is i hope my kids kids will be as good and nice kids as themselves when they were younger...ahhhhh...i miss those days when those two were little...
i can still remember duudie and alli growing up with their cartoons and toys and books and whatever it is they fancy to have...i can say that i was quite strict with them, even to the point of beating them up when i was in a very bad mood...of course i know duudie remembers all that, but all in all, they both turn up to be very nice and well behaved youngsters and even duudie is now a very pretty and well behaved woman of almost going to be 26 in less than a fortnight from now...alli's just turned 18 last october, he's still a playboy that he is, always with his playstation, PS2, and now with his PSP....heheh...that's the kind of playboy that he is, hopefully, when he's a bit older he won't be the other kind of playboy which of course involves girls....but of course, even now, he does appreciate a beautiful girl when he sees one...i know he can't wait to have a girlfriend which i always tell him that he's still too young to have one...i just want him to have lots of friends but won't go serious with just one girl in his young age...
it should be duudie who is supposed to be having boyfriends but till today, she has yet to find one that fancies her heart...well, maybe she will have one sometime soon, but let time work its way for her, for i know she's not in a hurry to be married and end her single life, even though i know that duyong is just getting impatient in wanting to see her married. as for myself, i don't think i am quite prepared to see duudie going off to live with a man, i will just let her take her own time and space in finding her own life partner, i sure don't want her to rush into anything serious and then realise that its not the right man for her...i want her to have a happy and wonderful married life just the way i have...good men are difficult to find these days!
anyways, this is just a thought to remember deep in my mind and kids will always be my kids no matter how old they are...their happiness is all that i ask for in i hope duyong will stop being impatient in wanting to marry duudie i wish my kids hadn't grown so fast. sometimes it is sad seeing kids grow up so fast and then goes off into the world to be on their own or with the one they love! i sure am a bad mummy i think! but i do love both of them so much and i can't bear the thought of being separated.
i think that after having been a wife and a mother of two wonderful kids, if i were no longer to have my monthly dots, i would still feel lively and happy to be alive...i would be happy even more to be able to see my kids grown up and having their own life with whoever they choose to be with....heheh...maybe i'll get to spend time taking care of their kids....would be wonderful just to drive around with small kids again...only thing is i hope my kids kids will be as good and nice kids as themselves when they were younger...ahhhhh...i miss those days when those two were little...
i can still remember duudie and alli growing up with their cartoons and toys and books and whatever it is they fancy to have...i can say that i was quite strict with them, even to the point of beating them up when i was in a very bad mood...of course i know duudie remembers all that, but all in all, they both turn up to be very nice and well behaved youngsters and even duudie is now a very pretty and well behaved woman of almost going to be 26 in less than a fortnight from now...alli's just turned 18 last october, he's still a playboy that he is, always with his playstation, PS2, and now with his PSP....heheh...that's the kind of playboy that he is, hopefully, when he's a bit older he won't be the other kind of playboy which of course involves girls....but of course, even now, he does appreciate a beautiful girl when he sees one...i know he can't wait to have a girlfriend which i always tell him that he's still too young to have one...i just want him to have lots of friends but won't go serious with just one girl in his young age...
it should be duudie who is supposed to be having boyfriends but till today, she has yet to find one that fancies her heart...well, maybe she will have one sometime soon, but let time work its way for her, for i know she's not in a hurry to be married and end her single life, even though i know that duyong is just getting impatient in wanting to see her married. as for myself, i don't think i am quite prepared to see duudie going off to live with a man, i will just let her take her own time and space in finding her own life partner, i sure don't want her to rush into anything serious and then realise that its not the right man for her...i want her to have a happy and wonderful married life just the way i have...good men are difficult to find these days!
anyways, this is just a thought to remember deep in my mind and kids will always be my kids no matter how old they are...their happiness is all that i ask for in i hope duyong will stop being impatient in wanting to marry duudie i wish my kids hadn't grown so fast. sometimes it is sad seeing kids grow up so fast and then goes off into the world to be on their own or with the one they love! i sure am a bad mummy i think! but i do love both of them so much and i can't bear the thought of being separated.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
i do so miss blogging!
hello hello hello to my blog and my three followers...light, nj and ira...hehehe...kesian i kan, cuma ada three followers, tu pun, nasib baiklah ada juga yg sudi membaca coretan mengarut i ni...maklumlah dah agak ancient umur ni, manalah ada kawan kawan yang sebaya yang berblogging kan? maybe adalah, tapi not my friends...they much prefer shopping, shopping, gossips and shopping...what to say, they call themselves, lady pleasure...kah kah should be lady of leisure...oh dear, if they know this, they'll hate me for sure..
okey dokey..i do really owe this blog a lot of stories since my last entry about my gladiators...heheh...still love wearing them...planning to buy another one though to match my red and black handbag...can't wear the brown one with other bags, not quite nice to my eyes..
ok, i will keep on owing my recent stories for the blog...will write them later later perhaps...but now just want to write about what my most recent activities...well, not that its changed a lot though. only very important thing is that i no longer drive to serdang raya every morning and evening, its now only to kota damansara, then to ptpl, back home or doing some bits of shopping for grocery and then back home, housework, my favourite tv drama, and not to forget my addiction to farmville...heheh...i don't quite think its a bad addiction but i just love farming in facebook, of course there are other games too but i really really love farmville, in fact, i've got 9 of my very own farm which of course i had to create so as to be my own neighbours, then i have razor's, snowy tuna's, awok's and of course doing the planting for kittykat...she just do the harvesting and plowing and leaves the planting for me...heheh...thanks don't go making eyes at hot guys ok, remember u are going to be daughter in-law to mamak roti canai don't show ur tongue when u read this, or i'll pinch u at ur u know what... longer driving to serdang raya means no more having breakfast there....sob sob...and no more having my hiway sitting at our table. why oh why? but still, i think he must be missing both duudie and me...heheh...perasan a bit lah kan...nothing wrong in fact, i think even everyone who have breakfast there with us every morning would also be wondering why we no longer exist for breakfast there...oh well, its been three years there, so its time for a change, only thing is no more mr. nice guy for duudie and me in the mornings...after all, he's got some pretty nice aura for duudie...and i for one knows that it is extremely difficult for her to find anything interesting in a man other than for myself, i don't care for his aura or anything, its just that i like seeing his fresh face, with his still wet hair, a simple smile and the way he talks when he sits with us...oh yes, i can say that he is the only malay man there who is smartly dressed to work, only thing is he still can't beat my duyong when he's all dressed up. sometimes i do miss seeing my duyong getting dressed and ready to go to the that he works at home, all he ever wears everyday to do his paintings are just his paint-smudged tee shirts and bermuda shorts, which would only make him look like an apek sometimes...
hmmm...talking about missing my hiway guy....i wonder how he is these days? i still remember the last week i was there, as i was just walking out to the car, he came out from his office building and when he saw me, he had a smile on him, wow! he asked me. "nak balik dah ke?" to which i replied, "yes, tunggu traffic jam over", then he said, "do you have something to do, kalau tak, can you join me for a drink?" pheewiiiitttt....him asking me for a drink? baru before that, he was just sitting with duudie and me, but that time i not perasan him in a bad mood, but duudie did, i ni jenis don't care about other people punya mood, so i not perasanlah...i think because i am the jenis who most of the time got only one mood lah...hmmmm...what's my mood huh?
well, this is going to be one very long writing...but i want to write it out, i've got a terrible monthly headache and i can't sleep...but alligator's just disturbing me writing about hiway...after all, he is jealous of a way, i think he is glad that i don't get to see my hiway guy anymore...
now to then, i pun crossed the road with him back to the restaurant, much to the amazement of the cashier there, whom i know also admires him...hahah...any woman or any girl in their right mind will prefer this guy than any other guy, what can i say, he's good looking, nice and got pangkat lah in his office....but i not kisah for his pangkat lah, i' ve know other man who is of much tinggier pangkat than him...hmmm...paling tinggi is the hakim mahkamah tinggi in kota bharu, who even asked my opinion about one of his court cases...oh yes, i wonder how many wives he's got now?
anyway, he chose a table outside of the restaurant next to the wall which can't be seen easily from inside...then he ordered drinks for us and asked me if i got time to spare, i told him not to worry as i wasn't in a rush, i only had to drive alligator to college before 1 pm...i asked him why was he out of the office, then he started to say that he just had a fight with his staff...i asked him what happened? he said, that they were supposed to do some work for him which was due that morning, but he found out that they didn't do it, and he himself couldn't manage to do it either as he was busy with other things. and when the work was not done, he was the one who had to answer to the management and the heat was on him from the top level, so naturally he got mad at his i told him, if he already knew that he couldn't rely on the staff, why didn't he try to do the work himself? he answered that he did take his workload home but he couldn't get to do it as he had other homework to do. so i said, well, how come he couldn't finish that work if he was already doing his homework at home. heheh...he said, "you ni kan...homework tu kerja rumah lah". heheh...that's his favourite word to me, "you ni kan" or he would say, "you orang shah alam apa tau" i said, "ya lah, kalau dah buat homework mcm mana blh tak siap juga?" so he said, "homework tu kerja di rumah lah", i said, "kerja apa?" to which he said, "u tau tak, i bila balik rumah, i kadang-kadang masak, cuci pinggan, kemas dapur, cuci baju, sebelum tidur, nak kena gosok baju utk pergi kerja pula". I pun, "huh? u buat kerja rumah? ur wife buat apa? kan itu semua kerja wife?" And then he said, "your husband tak buat kerja rumah ke? semua my friends kena tolong buat kerja rumah tau". I said, "no way, semua lelaki kena buat kerja rumah, i tak suka tgk my husband buat kerja rumah, in fact, he don't ever do any housework, if i am lazy to do housework, i won't do it at all, otherwise, it will be me doing the work, i won't let my husband do it'. Then he said, "itu u, wife i lain? dia orang kuala pilah, orang negeri, she expect me to clean the house bila dia penat lepas balik kerja." So i asked, "so kalau u pun penat, how?" He said, "i kena buatlah juga, kalau tak, jadi gaduh".
Aiseyman, this guy yang both duudie and me minat tengok, yang we both puji mcm kapten ultraman tu, yg cashier restaurant tu anggap mcm abang jepun tu, adoi, rupa-rupanya kena buat kerja perempuan di rumah, alahai kesiannya dia...aiyo mak aiyo pa....sungguh malang nasib mu wahai hiway....but what to do, for kebahagiaan rumahtangga u, u buatlah apa yang patut ok...dahlah weekdays balik kerja sampai rumah lepas maghrib, terus masak kalau wife tak masak, then cuci pinggan, kemas dapur, and then gosok baju pula, lepas tu, weekend kena pula cuci parit depan rumah, sapu daun kering, aiyo yo...banyak lagilah kerja kerja rumah yang he has to do....i tak sanggup listen to all his stories....kesian kesian...if his mother was still alive sure she sedih tengok anak lelaki dia jadi begitu...kejam kejam that wife of his...
Hehehe...when i already tak mampu to listen to his woes about his tiredness at home and then his anger at his staff, i told him to relax and just to take things easy...otherwise nanti jadi darah tinggi...and he said, tak apa, kena darah tinggi, terus kena heart attack and terus mati, to which i said, "hish, tak baik u say that, anak u still very young, no matter what, think of your daughter", heheh...and he said, taklah minta jadi mcm tu, tapi sometimes the thought comes like that. I said, "he thinks he's got problems in life and work, orang lain pun sure ada same problem juga, maybe much worse punya problem, at least, he still manage to have a good life no matter what". and then he said, "pandai u nasihat i ye" and of course, i said, "i ni memanglah pandai, orang shah alam kan"..and to that i got a very big smile from him...and i told him he better go up to the office and solve things with his staff and not to be angry at them for long...he's got to resolve his workload in an orderly manner and not to mix problems at home with his work...and he thank me, and he went off to pay for our drinks and then he said. "bye rose" and i said, "thanks for the drink and have a nice day working ok" and then he went back to his office...and after that, of course the cashier was just eager to know what were we talking about, so i had to lie, i merely said that he was just wanting to introduce to me a new business if i am into doing any kind of business..
then i went off to get my car and drove back home, still thinking and feeling sympathy for a man like him...i am lucky to be me and not wanting my duyong to do any housework for me...heheh...if i did, i sure wouldn't be the buaya that i am....
okey dokey..i do really owe this blog a lot of stories since my last entry about my gladiators...heheh...still love wearing them...planning to buy another one though to match my red and black handbag...can't wear the brown one with other bags, not quite nice to my eyes..
ok, i will keep on owing my recent stories for the blog...will write them later later perhaps...but now just want to write about what my most recent activities...well, not that its changed a lot though. only very important thing is that i no longer drive to serdang raya every morning and evening, its now only to kota damansara, then to ptpl, back home or doing some bits of shopping for grocery and then back home, housework, my favourite tv drama, and not to forget my addiction to farmville...heheh...i don't quite think its a bad addiction but i just love farming in facebook, of course there are other games too but i really really love farmville, in fact, i've got 9 of my very own farm which of course i had to create so as to be my own neighbours, then i have razor's, snowy tuna's, awok's and of course doing the planting for kittykat...she just do the harvesting and plowing and leaves the planting for me...heheh...thanks don't go making eyes at hot guys ok, remember u are going to be daughter in-law to mamak roti canai don't show ur tongue when u read this, or i'll pinch u at ur u know what... longer driving to serdang raya means no more having breakfast there....sob sob...and no more having my hiway sitting at our table. why oh why? but still, i think he must be missing both duudie and me...heheh...perasan a bit lah kan...nothing wrong in fact, i think even everyone who have breakfast there with us every morning would also be wondering why we no longer exist for breakfast there...oh well, its been three years there, so its time for a change, only thing is no more mr. nice guy for duudie and me in the mornings...after all, he's got some pretty nice aura for duudie...and i for one knows that it is extremely difficult for her to find anything interesting in a man other than for myself, i don't care for his aura or anything, its just that i like seeing his fresh face, with his still wet hair, a simple smile and the way he talks when he sits with us...oh yes, i can say that he is the only malay man there who is smartly dressed to work, only thing is he still can't beat my duyong when he's all dressed up. sometimes i do miss seeing my duyong getting dressed and ready to go to the that he works at home, all he ever wears everyday to do his paintings are just his paint-smudged tee shirts and bermuda shorts, which would only make him look like an apek sometimes...
hmmm...talking about missing my hiway guy....i wonder how he is these days? i still remember the last week i was there, as i was just walking out to the car, he came out from his office building and when he saw me, he had a smile on him, wow! he asked me. "nak balik dah ke?" to which i replied, "yes, tunggu traffic jam over", then he said, "do you have something to do, kalau tak, can you join me for a drink?" pheewiiiitttt....him asking me for a drink? baru before that, he was just sitting with duudie and me, but that time i not perasan him in a bad mood, but duudie did, i ni jenis don't care about other people punya mood, so i not perasanlah...i think because i am the jenis who most of the time got only one mood lah...hmmmm...what's my mood huh?
well, this is going to be one very long writing...but i want to write it out, i've got a terrible monthly headache and i can't sleep...but alligator's just disturbing me writing about hiway...after all, he is jealous of a way, i think he is glad that i don't get to see my hiway guy anymore...
now to then, i pun crossed the road with him back to the restaurant, much to the amazement of the cashier there, whom i know also admires him...hahah...any woman or any girl in their right mind will prefer this guy than any other guy, what can i say, he's good looking, nice and got pangkat lah in his office....but i not kisah for his pangkat lah, i' ve know other man who is of much tinggier pangkat than him...hmmm...paling tinggi is the hakim mahkamah tinggi in kota bharu, who even asked my opinion about one of his court cases...oh yes, i wonder how many wives he's got now?
anyway, he chose a table outside of the restaurant next to the wall which can't be seen easily from inside...then he ordered drinks for us and asked me if i got time to spare, i told him not to worry as i wasn't in a rush, i only had to drive alligator to college before 1 pm...i asked him why was he out of the office, then he started to say that he just had a fight with his staff...i asked him what happened? he said, that they were supposed to do some work for him which was due that morning, but he found out that they didn't do it, and he himself couldn't manage to do it either as he was busy with other things. and when the work was not done, he was the one who had to answer to the management and the heat was on him from the top level, so naturally he got mad at his i told him, if he already knew that he couldn't rely on the staff, why didn't he try to do the work himself? he answered that he did take his workload home but he couldn't get to do it as he had other homework to do. so i said, well, how come he couldn't finish that work if he was already doing his homework at home. heheh...he said, "you ni kan...homework tu kerja rumah lah". heheh...that's his favourite word to me, "you ni kan" or he would say, "you orang shah alam apa tau" i said, "ya lah, kalau dah buat homework mcm mana blh tak siap juga?" so he said, "homework tu kerja di rumah lah", i said, "kerja apa?" to which he said, "u tau tak, i bila balik rumah, i kadang-kadang masak, cuci pinggan, kemas dapur, cuci baju, sebelum tidur, nak kena gosok baju utk pergi kerja pula". I pun, "huh? u buat kerja rumah? ur wife buat apa? kan itu semua kerja wife?" And then he said, "your husband tak buat kerja rumah ke? semua my friends kena tolong buat kerja rumah tau". I said, "no way, semua lelaki kena buat kerja rumah, i tak suka tgk my husband buat kerja rumah, in fact, he don't ever do any housework, if i am lazy to do housework, i won't do it at all, otherwise, it will be me doing the work, i won't let my husband do it'. Then he said, "itu u, wife i lain? dia orang kuala pilah, orang negeri, she expect me to clean the house bila dia penat lepas balik kerja." So i asked, "so kalau u pun penat, how?" He said, "i kena buatlah juga, kalau tak, jadi gaduh".
Aiseyman, this guy yang both duudie and me minat tengok, yang we both puji mcm kapten ultraman tu, yg cashier restaurant tu anggap mcm abang jepun tu, adoi, rupa-rupanya kena buat kerja perempuan di rumah, alahai kesiannya dia...aiyo mak aiyo pa....sungguh malang nasib mu wahai hiway....but what to do, for kebahagiaan rumahtangga u, u buatlah apa yang patut ok...dahlah weekdays balik kerja sampai rumah lepas maghrib, terus masak kalau wife tak masak, then cuci pinggan, kemas dapur, and then gosok baju pula, lepas tu, weekend kena pula cuci parit depan rumah, sapu daun kering, aiyo yo...banyak lagilah kerja kerja rumah yang he has to do....i tak sanggup listen to all his stories....kesian kesian...if his mother was still alive sure she sedih tengok anak lelaki dia jadi begitu...kejam kejam that wife of his...
Hehehe...when i already tak mampu to listen to his woes about his tiredness at home and then his anger at his staff, i told him to relax and just to take things easy...otherwise nanti jadi darah tinggi...and he said, tak apa, kena darah tinggi, terus kena heart attack and terus mati, to which i said, "hish, tak baik u say that, anak u still very young, no matter what, think of your daughter", heheh...and he said, taklah minta jadi mcm tu, tapi sometimes the thought comes like that. I said, "he thinks he's got problems in life and work, orang lain pun sure ada same problem juga, maybe much worse punya problem, at least, he still manage to have a good life no matter what". and then he said, "pandai u nasihat i ye" and of course, i said, "i ni memanglah pandai, orang shah alam kan"..and to that i got a very big smile from him...and i told him he better go up to the office and solve things with his staff and not to be angry at them for long...he's got to resolve his workload in an orderly manner and not to mix problems at home with his work...and he thank me, and he went off to pay for our drinks and then he said. "bye rose" and i said, "thanks for the drink and have a nice day working ok" and then he went back to his office...and after that, of course the cashier was just eager to know what were we talking about, so i had to lie, i merely said that he was just wanting to introduce to me a new business if i am into doing any kind of business..
then i went off to get my car and drove back home, still thinking and feeling sympathy for a man like him...i am lucky to be me and not wanting my duyong to do any housework for me...heheh...if i did, i sure wouldn't be the buaya that i am....
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